Investigative Research Procedures Manual


As you grow your PI agency, research will be a large component of your business. Whether you are working criminal defense, family law or civil cases, the INVESTIGATIVE RESEARCH PROCEDURES MANUAL will give you the procedures you need to “do it yourself” or (even better!) to train an associate to do it while you concentrate on building your business!


As you grow your PI agency, research will be a large component of your business. Whether you are working criminal defense, family law or civil cases, the INVESTIGATIVE RESEARCH PROCEDURES MANUAL will give you the procedures you need to “do it yourself” or (even better!) to train an associate to do it while you concentrate on building your business! How about procedures for gathering and organizing discovery in a complex criminal case? Step-by-step instructions for conducting background and asset investigations? Accessing bankruptcy and litigation information via PACER, the federal court system? And in the appendix, you’ll find forms, formats and checklists for law enforcement requests, locate investigations, witness lists and more!

You can use these procedures as written, or you could use them as a template to develop your own procedures. Having a manual will ensure that your research investigators produce a consistent work product every time! Don’t waste time “reinventing the wheel” with every case and with every investigator. Let the INVESTIGATIVE RESEARCH PROCEDURES MANUAL shorten the learning curve and increase your new hire’s productivity, as well as your agency’s profits!

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