Investigator Procedures Manual


With the INVESTIGATOR PROCEDURES MANUAL, you can provide your new hire with instructions for conducting client and witness interviews, documenting a crime or crash scene, developing a timeline, or preparing a report.


Imagine if you could hire a new investigator and hand her a manual with step-by-step instructions for your most basic assignments! How much time could be saved in training without answering endless questions in person, by email, text, or phone? With the INVESTIGATOR PROCEDURES MANUAL, you can provide your new hire with instructions for conducting client and witness interviews, documenting a crime or crash scene, developing a timeline, or preparing a report. How about having a formatted witness statement for taking recorded statements for plaintiff or insurance defense attorneys? These are just some of the features offered in the INVESTIGATOR PROCEDURES MANUAL.

You can use these procedures as written, or you could use them as a template to develop your own procedures. Having a manual will ensure that your investigators produce a consistent work product every time! Don’t waste time “reinventing the wheel” with every case and with every investigator. Let the INVESTIGATOR PROCEDURES MANUAL shorten the learning curve and increase your new hire’s productivity, as well as your agency’s profits!

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