Subcontractor Manual


The SAMPLE SUBCONTRACTOR MANUAL: POLICIES AND PROCEDURES will help you communicate to your regular subcontractors what you expect from them and what they can expect from you.


You have your own proprietary way of doing things, a “style” that your clients have come to expect on each and every assignment. Subcontractors can be profitable assets to your business, but they need to be managed, though differently than your employees. The SAMPLE SUBCONTRACTOR MANUAL: POLICIES AND PROCEDURES will help you communicate to your regular subcontractors what you expect from them and what they can expect from you. Subjects addressed include company property, confidential information, contacts with clients, competition, and insurance requirements.

Building your PI business will require great talent. Sometimes that talent comes from other people who partner with you for a time. The SAMPLE SUBCONTRACTOR MANUAL: POLICIES AND PROCEDURES will help you navigate expectations and increase profitability for you and your “adjunct” partners!

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